Membership Roster
Current Member List
Below is a list of DHLSNA members (comprised of both scholars and enthusiasts). Those listed are current through December of this year or the year listed next to their name (dates are given only for two-year memberships). New members are marked with an asterisk. Names that are highlighted need to renew. The (CHK) stands for "paid by check," and (G/E) stands for "gift/extension." If your name is not on this list or is highlighted in yellow, please consider joining or renewing your membership (orange highlight means your check is in transit or payment incomplete) otherwise you will soon be dropped. The membership renewal period runs the month of January. If you don't see your name and feel you should be on this list, please contact the webmaster, Buxi Duan. The DHLSNA values its International membership, which represents some of the top Lawrentian scholars working today. For contact information, see the Directory.
For Yearly Membership Tally, see bottom of page.
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Yearly Membership Tally (Records Beginning 2016 - Current)