News from the D.H. Lawrence Ranch Initiatives Fund
DHLSNA submitted the successful nomination of the Lawrence Ranch to the National Register of Historic Places and continues to support fundraising for the ranch's preservation. Please read the following statement from the D.H. Lawrence Ranch Initiatives and consider joining them in their efforts to preserve the D.H. Lawrence Ranch:
The purpose of the Ranch Initiatives is to preserve the legacy of novelist D.H. Lawrence and his wife, Frieda Lawrence. Widely considered one of the most important writers of the twentieth century, the British novelist owned only one piece of property in his lifetime, the 160-acre ranch located some fifteen miles outside of Taos, New Mexico, which was bequeathed to the University of New Mexico by Frieda Lawrence. Fundamental to the mission of the D.H. Lawrence Ranch Initiatives is preservation of the property and historic buildings.
The Ranch Initiatives program will seek to place the operation of the property on a firm financial basis and to restore and develop the site so that it can support educational, cultural, and research activities for students, faculty, and the greater New Mexico community. This mission honors the directives of Frieda Lawrence's will, which stipulated that the property "be used for educational, cultural, charitable, and recreational purposes."
- You can view a brochure with a fundraising plan here.
D.H. Lawrence Ranch Initiatives fund takes you to the University of New Mexico Foundation giving page, or send a check to:
- D.H. Lawrence Ranch Initiatives Fund
- Department of English
- 1 University of New Mexico
- MSC03 2170
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001
Happy Hour Zoom, CCILC, DHLR, & Training Manual
We have several new webpages including information regarding our Series of Happy Hour Zoom presentations, the Co-ordinating Committee for International Lawrence Conferences (CCILC), a link to the DHLR website, and an Officers Training Manual (a work-in-progress) to help ease the transition between terms of office and to maintain continuity for our robust organization. With all the duties being integrated through the DHLSNA website, it makes sense to facilitate the learning curve by providing procedural instruction, computer tips, and timelines for the various roles. This will be an on-going project since we are still learning the simplest and most efficient means of running our organization electronically. We hope that all our officers will contribute their experience to help guide their successors.
Newsletter Archive Open
to the Public!
The DHLSNA Newsletter Archive has been opened to the general public. Created by our Newsletter editor, Julie Newmark, this handy reference contains back-issues dating from 1980 through last year. The current year's issues will still be reserved for members only. Links to the 2019 Newsletters are available in the Directory section after login. For the latest issues, join today!
Website Additions
* Some new website resources have been added to the Links page including the Salisbury House Blog "D.H. Lawrence: A Manuscript Mystery."
*Photo Request* for the International Lawrence Conferences in Sydney, Australia, and Gargnano, Italy
Please submit any digital photos from the conferences or excursions that you wish to share with our members to Tina Ferris. They will be used to create a members-only Gallery page (coming soon) or for the newsletter.
12th International Lawrence Conference in Sydney, Australia (2011)
13th International Lawrence Conference in Gargnano, Italy (2014)